Saturday, September 18, 2010

Filipina Wins "Democracy Chalenge" Photo Contest

the road to democracy

The  Democracy Photo Challenge 2010 is a contest by U.S. State Dept, aka, Hillary’s Swamp. Mika Matsuzawa, a UP Journalism student won the Asia prize.

Mika Matsuzawa’s photograph won over 3,000 other entries from 131 countries. The winners were chosen based on online public voting by over 500,000 people, after a jury narrowed the field of submissions to 36 finalists, representing each region of the world.

Winners per continent/region:

Africa: Kaylene George, South Africa and Mike Mitchell, Benin

East Asia and Pacific: Mikas Matsuzawa, Philippines and Venkatesh Hamyanaik, Australia

Europe: Mehman Huseynov, Azerbaijan and Dino Peri?, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Near East: Kaveh Baghdadchi, Iran and Mohamed Kaouche, Algeria

South and Central Asia: Mustafa Kia, Afghanistan and Jun Krishna Joshi, Nepal

Western Hemisphere: Ian M. Cunningham, United States and Wladia Drummond, Brazil

BTW, I like this light painted chair from India…

Democracy is...brilliance of authority.

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