Monday, September 20, 2010

Careless Tweet = House Thief

A careless tweet might put your house at risk. Techno savvy akyat-bahay (burglars) can check leading twitter updates and get the dirty job done. This applies too on other social networking sites like (oh yeah, you still open your friendster accounts?), and the hot soc-site at the moment, I am not a heavy user of these social sites now so I dunno who can view the status updates, the “network friends” or the general public. Once a user posted “off for a 3-day wkend getaway, whole family. bora here we come! c u erich! xoxo”, that’s an open invite for techie burglars. Networked “friends” or not.

And for personal safety too, over sharing is something to be conscious of. I follow some personalities on twitter and by their tweets, followers can easily track where they are. That’s potentially dangerous especially for media people. I follow one media personality and she’s into lifestyle & home niche and she’s like on twitter, 31. 31, get it? 24/7.

(I’m just kidding, I watched a re-run of 2 Men & Half and I found that “31″ joke funny.)

Anyways, like now I know where she is and I know what she’s doing… checkin… checkin… oh there, she got her nails done! This tech behavior or internet habit we have now (tweeting & blogging), I must admit, is quite addicting so a little pigil and disciple are needed too for our safety. Even us, we have pulled out some over personal blog posts in the past.

Read something about internet over sharing here.

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