Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Olny Srmat Poelple Can Raed Tihs

This is the occasional house and building aside post…

I am really bad at spelling that I check words a lot. Did you know that I am having problems spelling ocassional, err, occassional, err, occasional!?

But did you know that, most of the time, even if I write it messed up but in a sentence and with context, you’ll still get the drift. This is not to justify my spelling mistake but more so, means you’re too smart not to get what I mean despite wrong spelling/s.

(And with the constant use of text messaging and text-speak, our brains are even better trained to decipher what is said… Cge pls try ridin blo. Eat mna me.)

Check below…

My spelling teachers named Mrs. Rosa, Mrs. Divina, Mrs. Susana, Mrs. Loreta, all will not be happy with this post. But ma’am, I am just saying that human brain is pretty good and we can tolerate a mistake here and there. Don’t ban me come reunion time in 2020! Kids, take care of your spelling!


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