Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Case For Design & Drawing

We use drawing app/software most of the time to create some shop drawings, layout, presentation, plans, etc. But sometimes, we still do manual drawing & drafting. During discussions with clients, fabricators, welders, carpenters, craftsmen, we still have to do quickie drawings & sketches, mano y mano. And sometimes, if there are ideas that come up, a quick draw is needed or forget the idea/design forever and ever.

And so I still need a bag to carry and keep the drawing tools.

It’s actually a traveling bag but I find it to be a serviceable drawing bag. As the papers and magazines inside it, got no wrinkle and fold even after throwing the bag all over the place. It has partitions inside, a combination lock (then again, if I am the thief, I’ll get the whole case) and a free clothes hanger! Bought it P1000, on sale.

The inside story:

  • Oh yeah, I still have the/ cheapo triangles from college, the set that gave me 2345 ink blots in 5 years.
  • I got the scale I used back in the day.
  • Also inside the bag is the almost disposable meter that I tend to misplace every now and then. I average 8 meters per month!
  • See the alpha-omega print out? That’s the one I used as pattern for the alpha-omega book holder.
  • I highlighter pen.
  • Headphone set so I can work in peace.
  • Wooden straightegde/ruler (almost disposable too!) that goes missing in action always.
  • Pen and pencils
  • Sketch pad, papers, magazines, etc.
  • And an occasional pandesal and processed water.

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