Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Book: Interior Lighting

interior lighting

interior lighting

This book explains what makes effective lighting, tells how to design lighting to fit a living space, and provides instructions for installing the designed system. Learn how to create different moods in the same room, meet lighting requirements for a variety of tasks, and keep lighting system in order.

  • Terminology of light and how to achieve desired effects and moods
  • General, accent, and task lighting and how to combine them
  • Descriptions of a wide variety of bulbs and fixtures, and how to best use them
  • Illustrated techniques for extending circuits and installing fixtures and switches

Copyright of this book is 1991.

Hmmm 1991… while the author Kalton C. Lahue, busy making this book, I am busy playing marbles & family computer and raising pigeons!

Anyhow, two decades hence, the contents (interior lighting) of this book pretty much apply. Coz this book is old, new technology like LED lights are off, I mean, not discussed. Also, if you don’t want nosebleed, I suggest you skip the spectrum – luminance – footcandles section.

I especially like the types of lighting pages and the room-by-room portfolio… a breakdown of rooms and the corresponding lighting requirements and suggestions.

At light glance, so to speak…

  • Entrance – It should be warm and inviting, with enough illumination to help the transition from outdoors into the living area.
  • Kitchens – Since the kitchen is used extensively during day and after dark, it is important to consider natural lighting and night light. As dusk comes in, artificial lighting should be provided as well. Also, kitchen requires both general and task lighting.
  • Bathrooms – Safety is critical to bathroom lighting because water and electricity is a lethal combination. Fixtures and lights must be positioned correctly.
  • Living Rooms/Family Rooms -  Requires a highly flexible lighting system. They must provide a sufficient quantity and quality of light to accommodate activities and to create variety of moods.
  • Dining Rooms – Though used almost for informal meals, a dining room lighting must be able to do all sorts of lighting like,  elegant lighting, relaxed ambiance and festive mood.
  • Bedrooms – The bedroom is more than just a place to sleep in. You dress in this room, store clothes in closets, even as a work place for some. Because it plays many roles, the lighting should be carefully planned. Combination of table lamps,  recessed lights, wall lamps, ceiling lights are installed.
  • Children’s Rooms – Think safety and growth when dealing with kids’ rooms. Use fixtures and outlets that will protect curious children from electrical shock. Make the lighting design flexible for future changes are kids grow. Kids need good task lighting for studies and hobbies. And, some form of reading lamp should be provided.
  • Basic guide for the following rooms are also discussed: Studies and Libraries, Great Rooms, Hallways and Stairways. Please buy the book, anyways it will not go over P300 or (6$). Tons of lighting info packed inside the 112 pages. For the electrical DIY-ers, the last chapters (How to install lighting – and – Maintenance, Repair & Restoration) are recommended read.

As always, we are including some photocaps for interior design, and in this case, interior lighting for inspiration. Please see below…

interior-lighting interior-lighting (2) interior-lighting (3) interior-lighting (4) interior-lighting (6) interior-lighting (5) interior-lighting (7) interior-lighting (8)

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