Sunday, February 21, 2010

A mother’s mother of pearl

My friend asked me to photo-shoot her mother of pearl earrings, a valentines gift given to her. It took me several minutes in finding the beauty of this mother of pearl for one to dish out some 400USD for a pair. I just can’t find it. I really can’t.

UPDATED 2-20-2010: I’m told, the earrings are south sea pearl. Not Mother of pearl. See, I told you so, I don’t know anything about pearly jewelries. I promise, no more earrings post for me.

Then again, women think differently about these stuff, the kikay things, the bags, fragrances, etc. Same way, men are addicted to HID lamps, spoilers, and car side skirts and smartphones. So it’s just fair & balanced world… if and when budget permits, send in the M.O.P. jewelry gift for the women of our lives. And then, let’s buy the Blackberry.

The pics…

mother-of-pearl-earings (2) mother-of-pearl-earings mother-of-pearl-earings (1)


  • If you want a pair, I’ll refer you to the seller of the mother of pearl earrings.
  • The mother of pearl earrings was shot atop the cocoframe.
  • We sell something mother of pearl-thingy… the coasters.

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