Monday, January 4, 2010

Why shop furniture online in the Philippines?

Why shop furniture online in the Philippines?
  1. You are not subjected to pushy sales pitch of the salesman-saleslady.
  2. Because items are described pretty well, dimensions are posted and specs are given, buyers are able to make intelligent decisions. And if the pieces happen to be photographed well (styled) that will help as well (like what does).
  3. Being online, you can do side research and comparison as well. All you have to do is open a new tab, open up Mr. Friendly Google and make side search and comparisons, in terms of materials, designs and prices of other furniture stores. You can not do that once inside the mall furniture store, "brick and mortar" furniture outlets.
  4. The convenience of payment. Online furniture shopping is still relatively new here in the Philippines (but ofws have been doing this for quite sometime now, has been serving numerous overseas Filipino workers' furniture orders now), in most cases payments are done via local bank deposit (or if international, bank wired or TT) or Globe's GCASH and Smart's Smartmoney payment schemes. Certainly, online processing of ATM cards, debit cards and credit cards (the easiest way is via Paypal) shall follow among online furniture shops in the Philippines.
  5. The luxury of time. you'll be able to browse the items at your own pace. You'll be able to decide what to buy without haste.
  6. Because some online furniture dealers and stores in the Philippines do deliver, being able to shop online means you don't need to go out, battle the traffic and commute. Fare and gas cost, you'll save on that. Not to mention the effort and time of the travel. For some of the furniture and home furnishing online store, all you have to do is browse, pay and then wait for your order. Some stores would require full payment before delivery, some would require a deposit and others, they'll get the 100% full payment upon delivery.
  7. Competitive pricing. It's no secret that online stores have lesser overhead costs to cover, that translates to even better prices for the customers to benefit from.
Check out Leoque Collection, an online furniture store, for some great furniture finds.

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